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The modern Memory classic
A game for Android and iOS!

The most modern memory:
Remember the cards on the field and find matching pairs. Choose from more than 20 different decks with 40 different pictures each for your own memory fun. You will have access to three different difficulties (Easy - 20 cards, Normal - 30 cards, Hard - 80 cards). You highscores will be stored online which lets you easily monitor your progress in your personal profile with detailed statistics. You can create your own decks from your photos with the "Create-A-Deck" feature too. Invite your friends to iMerk and compete with them! And you will never be bored with over 50 achievements.

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Choose your device

Device with Android

Galaxy S4

Google Playstore

iPhone / iPad / iPod touch

iPhone 6

iOS Webapp

Also available for Amazon Kindle and Amazon Fire Phone!

Amazon Appstore
Visit the Amazon Appstore


See it in action
Have a look at some screenshots

Do you prefer moving images?
Have a look at the teaser
